What is a sweat lodge? What is are the customs?
The Nahuatl name for the sweat lodge is Temascal - steam house. It is a place for purification for body and mind, a space to connect to the powers that hold and guide us. When the water is poured over the heated stones all four elements come together. Usually there are four rounds of drumming and singing and prayers of the heart. The warmth helps literally exude the old and coming in contact with what is essential to our hearts. Between each round there will be fresh air and water for those who want. Women and men go in together. They wear underwear, women in addition a t-shirt. Everything is confidential and voluntary. You can say your words aloud or for youself. You can sing along or just listen. What matters is being in the moment.   

What are the dances of he mother earth? 
The whole group dances in a large circle alyways moving forward. There is the tree of life and an earth altar in the middle and on the outside there are four poles that represent the four directions East, South, West and North. 

„Everthing is in this circle. After a while of going around again and yet again allows me to physically get a feeling for the order of the world. The cycle of the day: morning, noon, evening and the rest of the night. The cycle of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The cycle of life: birth, growing, blosseming, maturing, farewell - and the peace of death. To the rhythm of the drums and the powerful native american singing you get a sense of your own rhythm, your own walk in life and for the center around which everthing revolves.“

The dance – as the whole retreat is also a celebration of community. No matter what age or culture or race: in our essence we are all humans beings connected by the same roots

Please note: This is not a show nor a recreational event. Please respect the ceremony and follow the indications supplied by the elders. Any question that you have about the how and why we will glady answer. 

Does Tata Kachora himself facilitate the ceremonies?
Most oft he times Tata will be in the background holding the space for the whole group making sure the process will be beneficial for all. Before the dance on the afternoon he will usually do a sharing with the group. During the dance he sits nearby and takes parts with his presence. 
The leader of ceremony his son Sergio. The dance is lead by Omar, who has been accompanying him for a long time. The sweat lodges are facilitated by several members of his tribe.  
A unique chance to have a close contact to Tata is a personal consultation. 

How can I book a private session wih Tata Kachora?
Tata Kachora uses his clairvoyance and old Maya knowledge to find answers for essential questions of your life. A sessions typically goes between 15-30 minutes. However it is not about the duration: often only one sentence can give your life a whole new direction. 
During your stay we will coordinate who will go when. If you have time restrictions and would like to speak with Tata personally let us know, so we can plan.

What is a visionquest? Why should I go?
It takes only three days in the wilderness to reach beyond your imprints to your true self. With the decision to leave the well-known behind you for some time, you allow yourself letting go, transformation and a new beginning. Feel for yourself: in which area of your life is this needed at this point if life? While you sit outside on your sacred place, with the full time just to yourself, stress, habits, and all the „musts" come off you bit by bit. Without food, but nourished by the power of nature, you begin to perceive differently and arrive at your home: on earth and in your own soul. Far from the noise of everyday life you can hear your hearts voice which already is waiting to remind you of your calling and the next meaningful steps in your life. Nature will touch you, deepen and refresh your connection to the forces that hold us alive. 

Going on your visionquest under the guidance of Tata Kachora is a truly unique opportunity! He creates a powerful spiritual space of protection and transformation. His group will prepare you for the quest and he will personally receive you, to listen to you story, when you return. 

When you want to participate write to kontakt@johannes-schmidt.info and we will send all the detailed information. 
Even if you have never done anything like this before, we want encourage you to consider this ancient form of reconnection with your true power.

"I chose the visionquest because I wanted to know what it's like to spend four days without any human contact. I got used to it surprisingly fast! I was even a bit sad when it was over and would have liked to stay longer.
I have enjoyed feeling our natural human rhythm of us humans as part of nature. Since then, there is no longer any separation between me and and the world around me - I feel more in harmony with it. I would recommend this experience to any person. Especially to those who feel that they are missing something. "
Participant of the visionquest last year.

What languages are spoken?
The short answer: the language of the heart. 
Tata Kachora speaks Spanish. When he shares with the group there will be translation. 
His family and helpers also speak Spanish, some speak some English. 
In the sweat lodge there will be translation in two other languages (probably German and English). 
Johannes, the organizer speaks German, English and Russian. 
Our experience is: whatever language you speak, there will be understanding. Many people here speak different languages and will help you with translation. 

Is the participation possible when I have an illness, mental health issue or when I am physically handicapped?
We trust that you take good care of yourself. If at this point of your life you feel strong enough for the journey and hear the calling to be here, please come. Consult with your doctor about potential health risks and let us know if you need any support. The whole team will be utmost attentive and mindful at all times. At the same time we cannot take any legal responsibility. Also please do not come with unrealistic expections of miracle healings. This retreat is for reconnecting with our sources of power. Out of that healing can occur, but it has ist own time and is always a gift. 

Will the there be the use of hallizogenous plants?
No. Do not bring any kind of drugs. It is illegal. Also we ask you refrain from drinking alcohol. Thank you for respecting. 

I am obliged to partake in every part oft he ceremony?
No, all activities are voluntary. Stay connected to the circle with your heart and your presence is equally beneficial for all, even when do something different. 

Do I have to believe in something?
No. You can come with any background. Native american spiritualiy is about the connectedness of all beings. The cermonies help remembering our ties to the rythm of nature, to the four elements and to the plants and animals with whom we share the earth. They also help to heal the bonds between people and create community. The underlying melody is about respect, thankfulness and mindfulness.  
Sweatlodges, dance, music, the vision quest – these are in fact universal reconnecting rituals that have been part of human heritage for ages.   

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